Congratulations to our newly confirmed members of the parish!

Congratulations to our newly confirmed members of the parish!

Congratulations to our candidates, Shannon Buckley, Byrin Buckley, Hope Buckley, Alysson Capulso, Aliyah Capulso, Kierra Mandeville, Rochelle Smith, Tarek Leahy-Chicot and two other individuals, who were confirmed by Bishop Jon Hansen on Sunday, June 16!

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the last initiation sacrament which continues the individual’s journey from baptism and brings them deeper into communion with the Church. We pray for the newly confirmed as they feel the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as it guides them to a closer relationship with God and helps them find the path the God has set out for them.



Thank you to Sister Maggie and Father Innocent who prepared the candidates for the sacrament of Confirmation and thank you to the parents, sponsors and parish community members who provided their guidance and support! We are honoured that Bishop Jon Hansen travelled to Hay River to administer this Sacrament and celebrate this happy occasion with us; thank you Bishop Jon.