Currently Browsing: Adults

What does Jesus “descended into hell” in the Apostles’ Creed mean?

The answer to this question was in the bulletin two Sundays ago and I thought it was very interesting. It was something I hadn’t taken time to think about, I just said the words and accepted it without questioning. I thought I would share it again here because likely I’m not the only one who...

Eucharistic devotion

This Tuesday we have been called to pray for palliative care. Sister Maggie, in her announcement in Mass today, asked parishioners to sign up for one hour of adoration of the blessed sacrament. So, what does this mean? Eucharistic devotion is an extension of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which...

The sacrament of the Eucharist

As we celebrated the First Communion of six children in our parish this past weekend, now is a good time to reflect on the meaning and history of the sacrament of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion. The word Eucharist comes from the Greek word, eucharistein, which means to give thanks or to be grateful. It...

Reflections on the ‘Our Father’

Jennifer Fulwiler (website), a catholic convert from atheism, compiled a series of reflections from different authors on the Our Father. Download (PDF,...

Stations of the Cross

For Roman Catholics throughout the world, the Stations of the Cross are synonymous with Lent, Holy Week and, especially, Good Friday. This devotion is also known as the “Way of the Cross”, the “Via Crucis”, and the “Via Dolorosa.” It commemorates 14 key events on day of...

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the last day of what traditionally was called “Shrovetide,” the week preceding the beginning of Lent. The word itself, Shrovetide, is the English equivalent for “Carnival,” which is derived from the Latin words carnem levare, meaning “to take away the...

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