COVID-19: Suspension of Sunday Mass

COVID-19: Suspension of Sunday Mass

Bishop Jon Hansen has sent a letter (attached at the bottom of this post) to all priests and communities in the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith regarding the COVID-19 virus. Among other measures being taken, on the recommendation of the Chief Medical Officer of the Northwest Territories and in solidarity with other Catholic communities throughout the world, Sunday Masses are suspended until such time that the COVID-19 pandemic situation is stable and the threat has been downgraded.

Our parish has made the following arrangements for parishioners to continue to worship: Weekday Masses and Tuesday rosary will continue to be held on our regular schedule (Monday to Wednesday Masses are held at 1210h, Thursday Mass is held at 1730h and Friday Mass is held at 1830h followed by Stations of the Cross). The church will also be open from 0930 to 1200h on Sundays for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for special devotions, to allow parishioners time to pray.

Please note that Tuesday evening Bible study, Lenten lunches, and First Communion classes are also cancelled.

We ask that you follow these recommendations for greetings at church: you are encouraged to tap elbows or feet for the passing of the peace instead of shaking hands (or you can choose not to have any physical contact), and please also maintain social distancing while in the church as much as possible.

Please note that Communion will only be received under the species of bread at this time, and any parishioners who are accustomed to receiving the Body of Christ on their tongue are encouraged to temporarily have the host placed in their hands instead.

If you have any questions about the measures being taken, please contact Father Innocent.

Let us continue to pray for all those affected around the world, and let us give thanks for the doctors, nurses, environmental service workers, and other hospital and medical facility staff who continue to selflessly serve their communities. May God Bless you!

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