2019 09 15 Parish Bulletin

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What do CWL fundraisers support?

A LOT! CWL always supports our parish; for example, they recently donated more than $3000 to help cover the cost of commercial dishwasher for our Sunday fellowship coffee. Their new project is to get our parish a new projector so the songs projected in front will be clearer and all parishioners will be able...

After Mass fellowship coffee

Socializing over coffee and snacks after Mass has resumed, starting this past Sunday (September 8). Snacks and coffee are provided by volunteers – if you are able to help with this, please add your name (or partner with another family) to an open Sunday on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in...

First Communion registration

Registration for 2020 First Communion will begin next Sunday. Please see the bulletin on September 15 for more details. Please contact Sister Maggie or Dee Dee Lepine to register your child.

CWL member meeting tonight!

CWL members will be meeting tonight (Tuesday, September 10) at 1900h in the church. Please attend if you are able – CWL is looking for members who can take on a more active role within the Hay River chapter

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