Currently Browsing: Announcements

A Christmas message from Father Innocent

Dear Parishioners, Here is the full schedule for all our Masses and solemn celebrations this Christmas season and New Year’s (all Masses to be held at Our Lady of Assumption church, unless otherwise noted): Monday, December 23 1900h Confessions; no weekday MassTuesday, December 24 1700h Family Mass...

Holy Week

This Sunday, March 24, is Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday), a day the Church commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His subsequent Passion. It marks the beginning of Holy Week. Palms will be blessed and distributed to those who attend the Mass – this symbolizes our desire to...

A Christmas Message from Father Innocent

Dear Parishioners, This year’s Nativity begins on the evening of the 4th Sunday of Advent. While we will still hold the 1030h Mass of the 4th Sunday of Advent, to complete the cycle, and the Christmas celebration [Nativity of the Lord] begins the same Sunday evening with the 1700h Family Mass with...

Lenten announcements

The liturgical season of Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday, February 22. The celebration of Ash Wednesday and the distribution of ashes will be held at 1900h on Wednesday. There will be no 1210h Mass. Stations of the Cross will follow the Friday evening Mass during Lent. In the next 40 days, as we...

An Easter message from Father Innocent

Dear beloved parishioners, As this year’s Holy Week draws near, I request that we pay attention to the following schedules for Holy Week Liturgical celebrations [Masses and services] and how we will be celebrating them in little different ways, amidst COVID-19 restrictions please. MASS SCHEDULES FOR PALM...

Ash Wednesday

The liturgical season of Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday, February 17. The celebration of Ash Wednesday and the distribution of ashes will be held at 1900h on Wednesday. Please note that the diocesan directives regarding the distribution of ashes have been changed this year due to the pandemic: After...

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